So you’d think it would be warm & sunny here in Kenya. Wrong, yesterday’s afternoon session took place in rather heavy rain. The support staff (Barry, John & Mick) hopped on the mountain bikes to chaperone the athletes round the course that had been designated & what a...
Well, I’ve broken the first rule of keeping a blog! All the rules say that you have to maintain a routine of updates & don’t break that routine. Mmm, I think 2 weeks without a posting certainly smashes the routine of postings that I have become accustomed to broadcasting ...
It seems a while since this topic last came up, but this week my attentions have turned back to the question of sleep quality, quantity & subsequent effects related to performance. I'm not really sure why my mind was jogged back to the subject - maybe it was with many of the...
The HiPAC is finally getting busier again this week, with many of the athletes returning from their holidays to start their pre-season training, for what is undoubtedly a huge year for track & field in the UK. After weeks of hush out on the track, the morning buzz has return...
After a long flight, I am back in the UK & have decided to head part way towards Warwick University tonight, to ease the commute to the UKA Elite Coaches Conference tomorrow morning.
I am a little fatigued & as a result will keep this rather brief. However, it would be...
It was a struggle to get out of bed this morning, no two ways about it! After a fantastic supper with the group overlooking the Pacific Ocean, courtesy once again of DJO's hospitality, a multi-national group of rugby fans headed towards San Diego's city limits in search of a...
An early start this morning & a few of us were looking rather bleary eyed as Paul (Scott) from DJO drove us down to the labs. After a short breakfast & presentations from James (Calder) on syndesmotic injuries & peroneal tendinoscopy, we were gloved, gowned & at our arthrosco...
Today was fantastic - not one for those with a phobia of feet (particularly feet not attached to the bodies they have spent their living years with) or the squeamish, but for me it was very educational. We were in DJO's surgical labs first thing & tackling our cadaveric feet...
Full on! There has been no time to adjust to the time zone or recover from yesterday's long flight...meeting in the hotel lobby at 8am, we were whisked off in a minibus to Vista, CA & the DJO Head Office. Immediately the facility was impressive & a feeling of enthusiasm, prid..
It's been a long long day...& now here I am in San Diego. I can't really tell you what it's like yet as we flew in at dusk & arrived at the hotel in the dark. I am here as a guest of DJO Global along with 9 foot & ankle consultants from the British Isles. After meeting for...
I am a dynamic, innovative & experienced Chartered Physiotherapist, having worked in elite sport since 1998. I have additional qualifications in exercise physiology, strength & conditioning & sports massage.