London, England
Tuesday 11th October 2011
The HiPAC is finally getting busier again this week, with many of the athletes returning from their holidays to start their pre-season training, for what is undoubtedly a huge year for track & field in the UK.  After weeks of hush out on the track, the morning buzz has returned & it really is a throw-back to school days when everyone returned from summer holidays with stories of travels & adventures.

After conducting a couple of thorough functional screens for Jonas' (Tawiah DoDoo) athletes, I've been catching up with several others to check they have kept on top of their maintenance programmes.  There aren't many new faces currently, however, the beginning of this week has also seen the selection meetings take place for funded places.  Athletes are ranked from Podium A down to Development E & for those not achieving these standards but identified as having potential, there is a Futures programme also allocating packages.  Once the funding has been assigned, then any new faces will come on board & each will be allocated a primary & secondary physio.  It's certainly a stressful time for those making the decisions as well as those on the borderline of award.

Later on this week, I will be presenting a lecture to the Sport & Exercise Science first years from Napier University, back home in Edinburgh.  I have been invited to speak to this group for the last three years by their Programme Leader, Euan Strathie & really enjoy it, only this time my work schedule has made it difficult for me to present in person.  Not to worry because technological advances now mean that I can sit at my desk in London & appear through cyberspace in the lecture theatre at the University.  The presentation is a basic overview of how my career has developed & what opportunities are out there for students just starting out on a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science - really a touch of insight to help open eyes & provide a catalyst to choices made from the very beginning of the course.

If you are a member of the Sport & Exercise Science group & want an advanced preview of what I will be talking about, click on the link below & I will look forward to speaking to you on Thursday.  If you aren't in the group but still interested, feel free to look through the presentation too & let me know what you think in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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