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Thursday 22nd September 2011
Since I have been working in track & field, I have been more aware of the use of sacral steroid epidural administration in the management of acute, acute on chronic, persistent & recurrent posterior thigh pain cases. It is a management strategy that I haven't been exposed to...
Tuesday 20th September 2011
After a fantastic weekend back home, it was back down to London yesterday for the week ahead. Rather out of keeping with recent weeks, I have no travel plans taking me away from Lee Valley this week but whilst many of the athletes have now shut down for the season, the Athlet...
Sunday 18th September 2011
So there we have it....another of my very good friends married to another great girl!! Congratulations Steve & Abigail Currie...may I wish you the best of days together. It has been a great weekend at home, spent with so many friends & the perfect way to unwind after a busy...
Saturday 17th September 2011
Finally! Back home! It's been a while on the road with back to back trips now but as I went to bed last night in Brussels, it was with a smile on my face knowing that tomorrow night I would be resting my head on my own pillows once again. The Brussels trip was a great...
Friday 16th September 2011
It's been a long but entertaining day/night but as it's gone midnight & I've just finished treating/eating I will update you with a report of proceedings tomorrow...especially as I have to be up in 4 hours to fly home to Edinburgh!!!! Suffice to say, Brussels knows how to do...
Thursday 15th September 2011
It's Diamond League time again! This week sees the second instalment of the series finale that started last week in Zurich. Of the British athletes in action this week, two are in position to repeat the success achieved last week by Jenny Meadows in securing the season title...
Tuesday 13th September 2011
Opinions are what make life interesting! Opinions determine our identity, both socially & professionally, whilst further sparking the debates that illustrate our passion for what we do with our lives. In exercise physiology circles one debate, centred around two fiercely...
Saturday 10th September 2011
After working from my hotel room throughout the day yesterday, I crossed town on the rather efficient tram system to the Seefeld area of Zurich (apparently "The Place" to live in this city). My friend, Claire has lived here since she moved from London about 6 months ago &...
Friday 9th September 2011
Well that was a late night! I thought after writing yesterday's blog that the evening might have some more action to behold & sure enough I wasn't wrong. Once we all congregated in the restaurant for supper (at about 23:30), the chat started to flow particularly from the...
Thursday 8th September 2011
What a day! Flat out but great fun & after a quick shower am shortly heading to meet the guys for some well earned food...it seems ages since lunch!!! So to recount my day in some semblance of order...this morning, Pedro & I set up camp in a corner of the medical area set...

About Me

I am a dynamic, innovative & experienced Chartered Physiotherapist, having worked in elite sport since 1998. I have additional qualifications in exercise physiology, strength & conditioning & sports massage.

Click here to read more about me.

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