Bangkok, Thailand
Friday 21st June 2013
As part of the advisory role I have found myself in during my stay in Thailand, one of the tasks I identified in the first week was the need to put in place guidelines for the management of concussion.  

Along with the two physiotherapy interns that have joined me from the UK, we compiled a thorough resource, centred around an action plan of how head injuries should be assessed & managed on the field of play, extracted & managed from the field of play, before then entering the rehabilitation, return to training & return to match play phases.

As ever, one of my valuable sources of information in this field, is my good friend & athletic trainer from Pittsburgh, John Geist.  John recently attended the "Emerging Frontiers in Concussion" conference held in Pittsburgh & suggested that there is a lot of great information coming out.  In addition, John very kindly also forwarded me a copy of the iBook that Michael Collins & the staff at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have compiled on the subject.  

Click below to read the valuable resource & update your knowledge on concussion management:

Thanks once again, John, for providing some really first class information for the blog!!!

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